Cashmere Wine Lees


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Straight from the cashmere region of India, this sublime pashmina in SINGLE EXAMPLE is soft and thick. Large scarf in 100% pure cashmere from Nepal.of exceptional softness and quality. A chic pashmina in a bright plum colour is exceptionally bright, ideal for the season. For both men and women, it will highlight your personality and your trendy side, whatever the season. Made in a traditional and artisanal way from natural cashmere wool, it is composed of 100% of the most luxurious cashmere scarf. One recognizes very glassy to the touch the unique softness of the wool, its warmth, its beauty without equal. To the touch, you know immediately that you will never get tired of its beautiful luxury pashmina in seasonal colours. The large cashmere scarf is sent in its beautiful pouch, ready to give as a gift. The scarf is made of cashmere and is available in a variety of colours.

Dimensions : 75 x 210 cm

  • In stock Warranty
  • Silk Gift Wrap
  • Worldwide Shipping
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  • Gift wrapping and customizable message*
Dimensions : 75 x 210 cm
  • Material100% Cashmere
  • Dimensions 75 x 210 cm

How to wear it?

Ideas to how your pashmina

For an ultra-casual look take a pretty pashmina very colorful that you can combine with a trendy denim. Put your scarf on your shoulders in a falsely neglected way or wear it like a keffieh, making a kind of bib on the front and the ends that pass through the neck and then be in the front as well.

Care Instruction

  • pictogramme conseil de nettoyage du Cashmere Wine Leespictogramme conseil de lavage du Cashmere Wine Leespictogramme conseil de sechage du Cashmere Wine Leespictogramme conseil de chlorage du Cashmere Wine Leespictogramme conseil de repassage du Cashmere Wine Lees
  • It is important not to break the fiber of the strong>>a href="">cashmere in order to keep its softness and suppleness as long as possible. So after the delicate cleaning by hand, you can wring out your pashmina on a towel which will absorb the water gently. Alternatively, you can place it in an ear pillowcase and put it on the spin cycle of your washing machine.